keep your employees smiling
health & wellness
The landscape of today’s workforce has evolved in the past few decades, and we know that as an employer you want your employees to be protected and supported.
We have a variety of health-based solutions for you to provide your employees with so they can continue to be happy and healthy.
EFAP – Employee & Family Assistance Plan
Our exclusive EAP package is competitively priced and packed full of features that your staff will appreciate. Support their Mental Health journey and work-life balance at with a low budget impact and high ROI.
HSA – Health Spending Account
An all-digital solution that support a divers workforce with individualized health & wellness for employees. An attractive tax-preferred tool for employee retention, satisfaction and DEI.
WSA – Wellness Spending Account
An all-digital solution that support a divers workforce with individualized health & wellness for employees. An attractive tool for employee retention, satisfaction and DEI.
Mental Health Resources
Children and Families
One Stop Talk
Reach Out Centre for Kids (ROCK)
Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA)
AbilitiCBT: A Government-Sponsored Mental Health Program
Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH)